Last meet we faced Quail Hallow. We barely finished the meet thanks to mother nature hitting us with a thunderstorm.

Scores and Meet Highlights:


Riverwood 225 VS Quail Hallow 149

Our swimmers performed spectacularly against a small but still competitive Quail Hallow. We must tip our hats to the volunteers, parents and their main heat swimmers for keeping our cool and finishing out the meet!

We had 75 swimmers with a total of 166 recorded races. This lead too 47 improved times and a 29% improvement team wide.

Due to the abrupt finish of this meet we were not able to appropriately have any triple or double winners. We did had many improved swimmers and we are so very proud of each and every one!

The results for the TSA Championship meet are still not accessible. As soon as I receive these I will send a final email with a TSA Summary including the end of year banquet award winners!

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