Riverwood 347 VS Stonebridge 167

This meet was non-divisional, but was a real confidence booster after our close loss last week. I expect this to carry into our last two divisional meets to close out the summer with a few big wins!

We had 76 swimmers like last week with a total of 219 recorded races. This lead too 81 improved times and a 37% improvement team wide. We are so proud of the fast swims, competitive atmosphere and the sportsmanship shown by all who attended yesterday.

We had five Triple winners for the meet: Logan Yarborough, Mariana Fuentes, Carlee Davis, Chelsea Cotham and Elijah Hammons winning all three of their individual events!


Our 15-18 Boys Free Relay comprised of Kale Miller, Peyton Bednar, Tyler Henry, James Cotham broke the Free Relay Team record with a time of 1:36.22!

Most Improved Swimmers – These swimmers improved in all of their races across the board during last weeks meet:

Hank Fortner, Porter Cottle, Johnny Graham, Anya Muminovic, Madison Ruddy, Trey Leahey, Benjamin Steed, and Cooper Yarborough!


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